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Frequently Asked Questions


What's included in a full groom?

A standard Full groom includes . . . * A BATH with high quality shampoo & conditioner (Specialty skin & hair products also available) & Anal glands expression. * Thorough BRUSH & COMB out. * Full body hair CLIPPING. NAIL TRIMMING (rounding the nails out with a buffer is extra). EAR CLEANING (hair removal)

How often does a dog need to be professionally groomed?

In general, most dogs should be groomed every 4–8 weeks. Dogs with long, thick fur: May need to be groomed every 4–6 weeks Dogs with short or fine hair: May only need to go every 8–12 weeks Double coated dogs: May need to be groomed every 3 weeks


Matted hair can trap dirt and debris, causing irritation and itching, pulls on skin, causing bruises, and is painful. Matted hair creates sores, which can become infected. Infections lead to serious health complications, including fleas, ticks, and even maggots. In severe cases, matting can cut off circulation and cause hematomas, severe folicle damage limiting blood flow to the folicle causing permanent bald spots, change texture and color changes, can restroct blood flow to feet, ears, and tail, which can cause severe wounds or overheating in the summer or frostbite in the winter. Matted hair is smelly and can become a breeding ground for parasites. A groomer can use a short clipper blade to safely remove painful matts. Never bathe a matted dog as this will only cause to make them worse.

How often should a dogs' nails be clipped?

As nails grow the quick (blood supply) continues to lengthen. If left too long nails will break, are painful and may cause difficulty with mobility. Longer nails require multiple trims over several months to trim back to a healthy length.

How do you know when a dogs' anal glands need to be expressed?

*Dragging or scooting their posterior on the ground. *Licking or biting their anal area. *Difficulty sitting or standing. *Tail chasing *Swollen and/or red glands. If your dog has issues with anal gland infections, impaction, or abscessation, it's usually best to have their glands expressed every 3-4 weeks. Some dog breeds, especially small breeds, are more likely to need monthly, manual expression of their glands.


IS IT BETTER TO CUT A DOGS COAT WET OR DRY? Let your dog fully dry or blow dry his hair before you cut it. Like human hair, dog hair shrinks up when it dries. If you cut your pup's hair while it's wet, you could end up cutting his hair too short, leaving him exposed to the cold or the sun (along with an uneven haircut).

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