Wobbly Waves Mini Silky Goat Rescue was born out of a LOVE of Animals.

Getting removed from a death sentence situation is frightening for these intelligent, sensitive animals; a strange place, new people, smells and sounds. That's why these rescue animals are in need of a compassionate team with the time, desire and the financial resources to care for their housing, feed, and veterinary care, along with socialization and grooming from a knowledgeable, professional, caring team
Wobbly Waves Animal Farm & Rescue is made-up of a Passionate, DYNAMIC team! The founders are Dave & Sharon Hougaard, they have extensive knowledge of this relatively new breed. They've had a big influence on the breeding, genetics, health, desired traits and qualities of this small breed. They are dedicated (obsessed) with promoting the absolute best genetics in their show and pet Mini Silky Fainting Goats.

Many, many of these precious animals have found themselves in dire situations. These responsible breeders have a dilemma. It requires a lot of babies (kids) to get the desired traits necessary to show and promote only the best genetics! Long silky coat, color, confirmation, size, top line, head shape and temperament to name a few.
That means 1 in 34 goats may have what it takes to make the winner circle! So what happens to those individuals who don't make the cut? A very small percentage of adult goats are adopted. The majority end up sold for meat. What about those show stoppers, what happens to them when they no longer hold value in showing or breeding? Most end up as taco meat along with the pet quality goats that do not find loving homes.

Not all have been neglected, however most are matted (long, thick, wavy coats require consistent care), they're lacking vaccinations and de-worming, many have hooves that are grown out and deformed to the point that mobility is painful. The majority are in pretty rough shape.